We use the fifth edition of Patterson and Hennessy’s textbook “Computer Organization and Design”.
ISBN 0124077269. -
We also use the second edition of Kernighan and Ritchie’s reference textbook “The C Programming Language”.
ISBN 0131103628.
Additional materials
- « MIPS Assembler and Runtime Simulator (MARS) » Software
- Graphical tool for the design and simulation of logic circuits “Logisim”
- Documentation on MARS.
- Documentation on Logisim.
- Java software (SE version 11 or above) - required by Logisim and MARS.
- Documentation on installing “Java” (on Windows; macOS or Linux).
- MIPS Reference Sheet: Official Version — Trimmed Version.
- Other resources on MIPS.
- Site for downloading VirtualBox (required version 6.1.x)
- Registering on the « autograder » server
- Virtual machine (64bits - 1.7 GB) preconfigured for this course
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Past exams
- 2025: exam
(in french)
- 2024: examen | rattrapage
- 2023: examen | rattrapage
- 2022: examen | rattrapage | test
- 2021: examen | rattrapage
- 2020: examen | rattrapage
- 2019: examen | rattrapage
- 2018: examen | rattrapage | test